Beware of COVID-19 Phishing Attacks

Cybercriminals have been taking advantage of the influx of remote workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s everything you need to know.

The CSP, Inc. team wants to update you regarding cybersecurity and the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are taking advantage of this challenging, trying time by launching a range of phishing attacks.

We put together a few tips to help you stay safe:

  • Think before you click a link or download an attachment. If you’re unsure, don’t click or download.
  • Don’t respond to any requests for sensitive information, even if it’s supposed to update payment or login information with an account.
  • Use well-known websites, such as the CDC or WHO, to stay up-to-date on coronavirus information.
  • Hover over the sender’s email address to verify whether or not it’s a legitimate domain from a familiar organization.
  • Remember that legal organizations won’t ask you to update account information or send personal data via email.

There’s been an influx of phishing attacks during this pandemic. In these scenarios, the hacker claims to be from the CDC, WHO, or another legitimate organization. These emails often include a link or attachment claiming to take you to a list of new cases and ways to prevent infection or other information. Here are a few examples:

  • Emails containing offers regarding coronavirus tests for sale.
  • Emails that contain lists or updates on infections in your geographical area.
  • Emails that are urging you to invest in stocks related to the disease.
  • Emails that offer health and safety products, such as masks or sanitizer, for sale.
  • Emails that contain links to sign up for financial assistance.

We’ve also seen cases in which the hacker claims to be someone from the victim’s human resources department and will request the user click to read a coronavirus-related policy for compliance.

We hope this notice helps you be more aware of the threats at this time. Stay safe – electronically and physically.






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