CSP is a Managed Services Provider based in Raleigh offering numerous benefits across all segments of your organization.

From maximizing your IT investments to creating a seamless user experience that leverages technology to achieve business goals, CSP can transform your entire business. Call us at (919) 424-2000 or send an email to info@cspinc.com to see how simple it is.

Why Managed Services (for a Business Executive):

Peace of Mind:

What is your exposure for one hour of down-time? What if you lost your systems for an entire day? For most, the cost is extraordinary. Yet, many companies trust their IT systems to a single engineer or small team. While these individuals may have deep knowledge in certain areas of IT, it’s impossible for anyone to be an expert in all components of this expansive industry. Furthermore, there are often “manpower bandwidth” shortcomings as a result of illnesses, vacations, etc. With CSP as your reliable managed services provider, you can have peace of mind by knowing a dedicated team of outstanding engineers are monitoring and managing your systems 24/7.

Unlock the Power of IT to achieve your Business Goals:

To compete in our global economy, it is imperative to find and maintain your competitive differentiators. For many organizations, technology is the driving force behind enhanced efficiencies, reduced costs, and increased profitability. For any potential IT investment, it is imperative to not only consider the technical issues, but to also explore how technology can enable business goals. Over 50% of all Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in Fortune 1000 companies now come from a business background, not IT. At CSP, we include a Virtual CIO in all of our Managed Services engagements to conduct regular, strategic reviews that ensure you are properly leveraging IT to achieve your business goals.

Maximize Your IT Investment:

For many years, IT was a reactive afterthought for many business leaders. If not monitored closely, this approach can create an expensive cost-center. CSP’s Managed IT Services shift IT environments from expensive cost-centers to strategic business enablers. With reduced operational expenses, IT can become a predictable monthly expense. From there, we can assist in strategic IT planning and budgeting. Instead of relying on “band-aid” fixes, this proactive approach creates a quantifiable ROI.

Risk Management:

Risk management is one of the most important aspects of IT management. Despite the value of such a practice, risk mitigation is largely ignored by most SMB IT staff. Have you considered the cost of a data security breach? Do you have a business continuity plan in case of a disaster? CSP’s Virtual CIO can be invaluable as we help identify and manage certain risks within your IT infrastructure.

Why Managed Services (for the IT Staff):

Peace of Mind:

Are you kept up at night knowing that your organization’s IT systems rest on your shoulders? Scared to take a vacation for fear of something happening while you are away? Tired of the late-night wake-up calls? A Managed Services Provider offers a contract that provides the opportunity to add redundancy and support the day-to-day operations of your environment. With 24/7 monitoring and alerting, CSP can be the first line of support to alleviate this stressful burden.

Time to Focus on What’s Important:

For many IT professionals, there is a growing frustration that the vast majority of time is spent troubleshooting Level 1 and Level 2 helpdesk requests. These mundane tasks are time consuming and prevent IT staff from embarking on their strategic initiatives. As a top-notch managed services provider, CSP can augment your support by offering scalability to maximize your department’s value. Whether providing help desk services, or leveraging our world-class design engineers to complete an advanced project, we’re here to make your life easier.

Technical Expertise:

It is naïve and unrealistic to assume that all IT engineers are experts in every technology. While you may be the best Microsoft engineer in your city, do you also have the skillset to quickly solve that nagging QOS issue on your network? CSP has a stable of engineers that specialize in all different technologies. By leveraging CSP’s Managed Services, we can help your company by providing the proper resources and an additional layer of expertise.

Business Liaison:

Are you a phenomenal engineer, but cringe every time your boss mentions IT budgets, strategic planning, or business enablement? CSP has a unique mix of technical and business resources that can seamlessly bridge the gap between needed IT and lasting value. We are always working with our partners to assist with critical business tasks.

Make sure your IT does what you think is best: Reach out to the CSP team and tell us what you want from today’s technology by calling (919) 424-2000 or sending an email to info@cspinc.com.

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