Cisco Umbrella Services

Most modern companies today depend on the internet to run most of their operations. However, that presents security challenges for them. In an attempt to address this problem, Cisco released the Umbrella cloud-based security services. This is a collection of technologies that are meant to improve the security of data in the cloud. If you want Cisco Umbrella Consulting services in the Raleigh/Durham area of NC, you will need to ensure that you find the right partner. CSP, Inc. should be at the top of this list. Read on to learn more about us.

Why You May Want Us to Provide You with Cisco Umbrella Services.

Organizations spend a lot of money to keep their data secure on the internet. Most of them rely on VPN for data security. However, 82% of workers who use a mobile device admit they do not utilize VPN all the time. It means that many organizations are vulnerable to data hacks by anyone who has the know-how. That is why Umbrella from Cisco is so important.

Cisco Umbrella Security Services has many benefits for business such as:

They have the ability to protect Internet users on all devices using the organization’s network, at all locations. They do this by combining a wide array of tools. With the help of CSP, Inc., these tools from Cisco will be able to identify the apps being used and enforce policies that block unsafe or unwanted apps.

By using Umbrella, CSP, Inc. can stop attacks even before they begin. Today, the tools resolve over 100 billion internet requests daily and check this data against 11 billion historical events. The data is analyzed to identify anomalies, patterns, and create models that uncover software being staged for future attacks.

CSP, Inc. can utilize the machine capabilities of Umbrella services to protect your systems against known and emerging threats. It is an important technology, especially in the modern world of vicious malware, which can shut down a whole organization with things such ransomware. The tools can also integrate with any existing system, which allows users to extend protection for devices and locations outside the confines of the business.

Security and Compliance Solutions from Us.

Besides Umbrella, CSP, Inc. has many other tools that it uses to manage the security of your IT infrastructure. We use a mix of on-site, remote monitoring, and cloud-based services. The solutions that we offer help ensure that your IT infrastructure is safe from any security problems from both inside and outside the organization. With our expert security solutions, your company will be able to identify and mitigate security threats in real time.

What We Can Do For You.

Our staff has a lot of experience is designing security solutions that are based on regulatory compliance and best practice. Here are some of the security solutions we offer:

1. Security Assessment.

To ensure that your data is secure, we use a structured method that starts with a comprehensive assessment of your information systems. We will also assess your current procedures and policies.

Developing a network that is immune to all security threats is a continuous process that continues to identify new threats daily. To secure the network, we will consider the internet, intranet, email, e-commerce, servers, desktops, and the network infrastructure as well as user access policies. Thus, your network is safe from external attacks as well as employee misconduct.

Once an assessment has been completed, we will recommend possible solutions that consider current strengths and any weaknesses we have identified. We will also take into account the objective of the business when making recommendations. That way, organization’s activities are not compromised by its need to be secure.

Anti-Spam Services.

Email is one of the most common methods through which cyber criminals gain access to the business. We have a broad range of cloud-based solutions that are designed to be cost effective. For one, we will help you keep unsolicited spam email from flooding your system. We also have technologies that can scan email attachments for viruses and malware. That way, they are stopped before they have a chance to compromise your system.

2. Spyware and Virus Protection.

At CSP, Inc, we have some of the top solutions used in the industry to provide protection from viruses. Our anti-virus protection is proactive, which means it can deal with threats as they arise. Our virus protection offers server and desktop virus scan that help to keep viruses from being shared on your business network.

3. Remote Access Protection.

Our experts ensure that remote users of an IT system have secure network access. We establish VPN networks that provide secure access from any region through the internet. We also have file encryption services that ensure secure data transmission.

4. Wire Network Security.

If you have a wireless network at your business premises, we ensure that it is only accessible to authorized users. We use the latest decryption and authentication technology to keep your files secure. Our company has solutions that allow users to access certain parts of data while limiting what information guests can access. All our systems are PCI and HIPAA compliant.

5. Intrusion Detection and Prevention.

Keeping hackers out and detecting when they try to intrude into the system are part of the security solutions that we provide. We utilize packet-filtering technologies that control access by conducting an analysis of incoming and outgoing data. This technology allows us to determine which devices have access to your network. We also have the ability to lock down servers or desktops to protect data from being erased or corrupted.

If you are in the Raleigh/Durham area of NC, and you need adequate security solutions such as those provided by the Cisco Umbrella services, consider getting in touch with us today.

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