COVID-19 Update From CSP

Our team at CSP would like to update everyone on CSP’s current plans, and recommended action for your organization, as we all deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

COVID-19 Update In Raleigh

Be assured that CSP remains committed to supporting your IT systems throughout the crisis.  Fortunately, CSP’s systems for monitoring and managing your IT systems are designed so that our entire staff can operate “virtually.”  We are prepared to continue to support you – even if CSP finds it prudent to temporarily close our office headquarters.

As CSP has done, we encourage you to craft a plan in case you opt to close your physical office and have your staff work from home.  Most of you have adequate provisions for your staff to connect to your IT systems remotely.  However, if you have questions or concerns about your preparedness in this area, please contact your CSP Account Manager.

Meanwhile, CSP will continue to monitor developments in North Carolina and our local communities – and adjust accordingly.  While we continue to operate in a normal business manner, this might change over the next few hours, days or weeks.  Be advised it might be necessary soon to minimize or eliminate on-site visits to your facilities.  This decision, if it is made, will be to help assure the personal safety of both CSP staff and yours.

Again, the entire CSP team is committed to support you through this crisis.  If you need us, please contact our help desk at 919-424-2060 or  Or, contact your CSP Account Manager.


Your CSP IT Service Team

CSP, Inc.
1310 Nowell Road
Raleigh, NC 27607
(919) 424-2000

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