CSP, Inc.’s staff members are always up for a challenge.  The annual “Biggest Loser” weight loss and healthy eating challenge kicked off on August 21st and ends on September 29th.   At CSP, all our activities are voluntary.  This challenge is meant to be fun and provide an opportunity for our staff members to share fitness tips and healthy eating ideas.  There are no negative ramifications for employees who choose not to participate.  Those who sign up will confidentially weigh in, each week or have the option of weighing in the first week and again on the final week.  The winner will be determined by the percentage of body fat lost.

“The weight loss challenge is something that our staff enjoy and look forward to each year.  It’s a friendly competition that promotes a healthy environment at CSP.  Last year’s winner, Stephen Allen is ready to defend his title,” states, Margie Figueroa, Business Manager.

One of the components of this activity is sharing health related resources with our staff.  For examples: The Center for Disease Control has multiple programs that focus on Workplace Health initiatives that promote health and wellness. Their website provides comprehensive information on workplace health using interactive tools and resources. For more information about the CDC’s program, visit their Website at https://www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion/index.html. And the USDA’s https://www.myplate.gov/ provides educational resources and motivational tools for the entire family.

The winner of CSP’s Weigh Loss Challenge receives a year’s worth of bragging rights and satisfaction in knowing that he or she is successfully in control of a healthier lifestyle!

To find out more about our team of IT professionals and what our Managed IT Services can do for you, contact CSP, Inc. at (919) 424-2000 or email us at info@cspinc.com.

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