CSP Gives Back to Our Community

CSP is proud to support those in need by foregoing our standard client holiday gifts and instead giving them to local charities.

Part of our vision at CSP is to leave a “positive, lasting impact on our team, our clients, and our community.”  During this tumultuous time, actions can speak even louder than words.  For years, the CSP team has upheld an annual tradition of giving out Christmas poinsettias to our clients. We’ve always found it to be a good way of recognizing the holidays, marking another year of service coming to an end, and passing along a living, vibrant token to every one of our clients.

However, given how atypical a year 2020 was, we didn’t feel our traditional poinsettias would be the right course of action. We knew we had to refocus our priorities and do more to give back to those in need. Instead of giving out poinsettias and other Christmas gifts, we took what was budgeted and gave that money to a handful of local charities.

We believed this donation would significantly impact our community, helping those in, especially dire circumstances amid the ongoing pandemic. We greatly value our clients and trust that they would appreciate the donations being made with them in mind.  We know how blessed we are and felt that in 2020 especially, we could make a much more significant impact by giving back to our community instead.

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