CSP was the keynote speaker at an HFTP’s Central Carolina Chapter Meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina on Friday, May 20th, 2016.

HFTP is an international organization dedicated to “Hospitality Finance and Technology Professionals.” The group was founded in 1952 and currently has over 5,200 members. CSP is proud to be a part of such a valuable organization.


For this specific event with the North Carolina members of the organization, CSP was asked to present on current trends in IT. At the request of leadership, CSP spent a lot of time discussing Microsoft’s new Operating System, Windows 10. Stephen Riddick, VP of Sales and Marketing at CSP, presented on this topic by providing an overview, benefits, and recommendations. A healthy discussion with lots of questions ensued.

The attendees were engaged and obviously appreciated gaining a better understanding of this controversial issue (whether or not to perform the free upgrade). This also led to a great discussion around Microsoft Office 365.

“It was humbling to be asked to speak in front of such an esteemed organization of business leaders,” said Stephen Riddick. “From the audience’s response and insightful questions, it appears that everyone found the session to be beneficial, which is high praise. We always enjoy being an advisor as we help people navigate the fast-moving world of IT.”

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