Nothing lasts forever, which is especially true of technology. Whether it’s your two-generation old iPhone or your well-worn laptop, all technology has an expiry date.

Understanding this is a key part of managing IT. It’s simply the nature of the industry, that no matter what you invest in today when it comes to business technology, you will eventually have to replace it with a more modern version. Hardware only lasts so long before it’s at risk of failure. Security solutions are only effective until cybercriminals figure out a way to circumvent their capabilities. Software eventually reaches End-Of-Life, at which point developers stop offering support and vital security and functionality patches.

Non Profit Technology Support

Now, you may very well understand all this already, but that doesn’t mean you want to handle it, right? Managing your IT upgrades on a regular basis can take a lot of time away from the daily work you’re trying to get done. You have to monitor your current IT infrastructure to make sure you know when it needs replacing, then you have to research and compare different options to transition to, then you have to actually migrate from the old solution to the new one.

It’s a complicated and time-consuming process, which is precisely why you should have an expert partner in IT handle it for you. Allow the CSP team to help.

Case in point: CSP has recently completed a substantial IT infrastructure upgrade for a local non-profit in Raleigh, North Carolina.  This extensive project was a huge success.  It will increase security, minimize the risk of failure, and enhance performance for the client.

Specifically, the upgrade included the following:

  • ESXi Host Server Upgrades
  • IBM SAN Upgrade
  • Microsoft Active Directory Upgrade to 2016
  • Redundant StorageCraft BDRs for replicated backup
  • E-Mail Migration to Microsoft Office 365

With this new environment in place, the client has a solid IT foundation that should last for years.  This upgrade also served as a great opportunity to leverage some benefits of the cloud.  By moving both backups and e-mail into the cloud, the organization gained increased business continuity and fault tolerance.

Business owners and managers may know that the cloud offers reduced expenses, greater scalability, and simplified IT management, but not everyone in your industry gets as much as they can out of the cloud, often because they lack the support of a knowledgeable cloud services provider. Cloud technology — along with an expert cloud services provider like CSP — can help to reduce data loss risks, increase staff mobility, and provide useful scalability. Cloud-based solutions are shortening the technology gap between small and large companies as it enables users like you and your staff to leverage enterprise-grade solutions at small business prices.

Microsoft’s Office 365 is the worldwide leader in Hosted Exchange capabilities.  With e-mail now housed in the cloud, this critical business application will always be available to the end-users, from any device, anywhere, at any time.  Similarly, CSP is excited that they have opted for a cloud backup solution that will get their data off-site in case of a catastrophic failure.

CSP considers it a privilege to assist local businesses in optimizing their business technology.  We were honored to partner with such a great organization and would love to have the opportunity to help you as well.  If you’re concerned about the performance of your current IT infrastructure, or maybe you just can’t remember the last time your technology was upgraded, then it’s time to find out what your options look like. Our team is ready to come in and take stock, helping you to figure what needs replacing, and how best to do it.

For more information about upgrading your IT, get in touch with CSP at (919) 424-2000 or info@cspinc.

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