CSP Sponsors A Day to Give Hope

The CSP team is proud to have sponsored InterAct’s A Day to Give Hope, which brought together a range of community members to raise funding for this important local organization.

On June 22, 2022, InterAct held its annual A Day to Give Hope, and CSP was proud to be an investing sponsor for the event. This was a one-day giving campaign to fund the organization’s year-round effort to help individuals and families affected by domestic and sexual violence.

CSP Sponsors A Day to Give Hope

Who Is InterAct?

InterAct is a local non-profit dedicated to ending the cycle of domestic and sexual violence in Wake County, North Carolina. This important organization rallies volunteers, professionals, and other community members to save and rebuild lives and secure safer futures for victims, survivors, and their families.

InterAct works with clients and community members to provide a range of key services, including crisis intervention, safety planning, emergency shelter, individual and group counseling, court and hospital advocacy, personal and economic empowerment case management services, and community engagement and prevention.

On an annual basis, their achievements include:

  • 5,951 clients served in crisis
  • 521 adults and children sheltered
  • 149 children in support groups
  • 1000 Solace Center Forensic Exams
  • 22,644 community members served

CSP Is Proud To Support InterAct

As a proud community member, the CSP team understands how important it is to give back. The more we grow and succeed as a business, the more opportunity we have to give to those in need.

We’re especially proud to support InterAct by sponsoring events like this. As a committed partner to their ongoing success, we’re helping InterAct help those most in need in our community.

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