Do You Have A Dedicated Network Support Team?

Your network is a vital part of your IT environment—are you confident you’re managing it properly? CSP’s NOC service will take care of it for you.

An outdated, mismanaged network can be slow, experiencing lag, and other issues due to the number of devices connected and data traffic in transit. This will slow down your employees and your clients, affecting your business’ overall productivity. This is why it’s necessary to have an expertly designed, configured, and managed network in place.

CSP offers a fully managed Network Operations Center (NOC) service to help you design, configure, and manage your network in a manner that keeps you productive throughout the day. Get in touch with our team to find out what our NOC service can do for you.

Does Your Network Have The Support It Needs?

Often the least thought of aspect of an IT infrastructure, the network is just as vital as any other part. This is because it’s connected to everything IT-related in your business. Both literally and otherwise, the network ties everything together, and by definition, includes all aspects of the environment.

It doesn’t matter how new and expensive your desktop computers are if they’re not connected to anything. This is especially true given the prevalence of cloud computing in today’s business world. Whereas at one point, locally-stored data on desktop computers that weren’t connected to a network were “good enough”, these days it’s more likely than not that you’re storing data in the cloud. That means a well-managed network is a must.

In the same way, it doesn’t matter how expensive and well-maintained your servers are. Whether you manage an optimized onsite server farm or pay a huge monthly fee for access to server space in a Tier-3 data center, that will all amount to nothing if your network isn’t managed properly.

You Need A Team Looking After Your Network

For all these reasons, it’s recommended that business owners simply outsource their IT management tasks to a more capable, more available IT company. This will guarantee a level of quality and consistency in management and maintenance that likely can’t be achieved by you or someone on your staff trying to manage IT on their own.

That’s why so many businesses choose to invest in a team of experts to manage their cybersecurity for them. You can too, with CSP’s 24/7 Managed NOC.

What Is A NOC?

A NOC is a team of people, employing a range of proven processes and using carefully implemented technologies that gather and analyze user reports from information systems, execute critical maintenance tasks, and oversee cybersecurity controls related to your network.

Our NOC team carries out a range of responsibilities on behalf of our clients:

  • Continually monitors and optimizes our Remote Monitoring and Management platform, N-Able
  • Monitors connectivity, resource utilization, storage, service availability of servers and networking equipment
  • Monitors and remediates client backup environments
  • Responds to alerts from all security solutions including endpoint protection, DNS protection, email security, and firewalls
  • Handles server and workstation patching for all our clients
  • Runs additional updates overnight
  • Executes behind-the-scenes application installations

The point of outsourced NOC services is that users don’t have to develop and manage a network team of their own. They can instead get it from an IT company as an outsourced service. When you don’t have NOC services, you don’t have any visibility into your systems, unless you happen to be looking at that server at the same time.

What’s The Best Way To Hire A NOC Service?

With help from the CSP team. By outsourcing your network management tasks to our NOC, you get all the benefits with none of the hassles.

Remember, it’s unrealistic to expect you have the time or resources to manage your network in-house, so why bother? Have a trusted IT company like CSP manage the process for you.

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