Global Supply Chain Issues Impacting CSP

As I’m sure you have seen, the global supply chain has been in disarray for the past year.  Between heightened demand, limited supply, and COVID-related shocks, numerous products are hard to procure.  Unfortunately, CSP is not immune from these realities as the IT industry has been greatly impacted as well.  From laptops to networking gear, nearly all components are affected.

We are doing our best to secure hardware that is available, but we ask for patience as we navigate these uncharted waters.  Furthermore, we would humbly ask anyone who knows of hardware orders on the horizon to place them as soon as possible to minimize the impact of any delays.

Some of our large vendors, such as Cisco and Lenovo, are saying they could see the issues lasting through the end of the year.  These large companies have their own resources to navigate the global supply chain, and we are happy to provide detailed explanations from our vendors if requested.

Thanks again for your patience.

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