Greg Moore: RRT Client Engineer At CSP, Inc.

Take a few minutes to get to know RRT Client Engineer Greg Moore.

CSP knows that the foundation of our service quality are the amazing people on our staff. Case in point: Greg Moore, RRT Client Engineer.

Favorite restaurant in the triangle?

Does Mom’s cooking count?

Once you leave the salt-mine on Friday, what’s your perfect weekend?

First, I’d have the house cleaned up before Friday to keep the Mrs. happy. Then, I’d throw her on the back of a motorcycle and take off to a cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere and turn the phones off. There would need to be a place to swim, multiple places to nap, and a killer jacuzzi to lounge around in all day.

Favorite sports team?

Blue, no green. (I’m actually not a sports fan as sad as that sounds)

Eastern or Western NC BBQ?

I’m not sure really. I like the more vinegar-based BBQ flavors.

Best concert you’ve ever seen?

Welp, I’ve been to two in my life. “Alejandra Guzman” and a Ricky Martin concert lol. My wife dragged me to both of them, and they were fun.

Thanks for taking a few moments to get to know Greg a little better.

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