
A Time for Proud Reflection and Excited Anticipation

Happy New Year from all of us at CSP!  I trust you and your families had a joyous holiday season. With January upon us, I hope you have entered 2016 with full stomachs, rested minds, and the youthful vigor that accompanies the turning of the calendar.  While admittedly cliché, I welcome the New Year as a time for thoughtful reflection and excited anticipation. As such, we’ve crafted this newsletter with just that in mind.

Looking Back…

I am so proud of our team’s accomplishments in 2015. Before I touch on our corporate work, as stewards of our community, it was humbling to see the CSP family give their time, money, and resources to so many philanthropic endeavors. While there are too many examples to speak to them all, on our blog and in our newsletter, you can read about how Heather Carpenter led an effort for CSP to sponsor 10 underprivileged children with Christmas gifts through Paying it Forward’s Christmas Angel’s program.

From a corporate standpoint, 2015 was a very successful year at CSP.  We added twelve new Managed Services accounts. This fits our target of steady, yet manageable growth. While growth is paramount, we never want to grow beyond our ability to continue to provide reliable support to our existing client base. Throughout the year, we also managed to enhance our team with some exceptional talent (you can meet Dillon Mullis in an article on our blog!), optimize our service delivery processes, and innovate with new technologies.

Looking Ahead…

The beauty of a new year is that it gives us all an opportunity to evaluate our current position and build a roadmap to future success.  With that in mind, our cover story in the January newsletter is the importance of strategic IT planning.  While I understand that budgets are tight and IT can be seen as a reactionary cost center, a strategic IT plan is a valuable way to minimize your risk and normalize your spend.  We at CSP would be more than happy to help you develop this plan.

As we look ahead at CSP, expect to see IT Security as a common theme throughout the coming year.  The threats are continuing to grow, with even greater acceleration in the past few months.  To make sure we are giving our customers the peace of mind to know that they have ample protections to mitigate risk, we are investing in a much larger security portfolio.  We look forward to introducing you to these solutions in the coming months.

As always, thanks for your continued loyalty and support. We love serving you and look forward to partnering with you for continued success in 2016! Contact us at (919) 424-2000 or email us at info@cspinc.com to find out more.

Stephen Riddick

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