The CSP, Inc. team is proud to work with Raleigh Rescue Mission on an ongoing basis, supporting their emergency shelters and helping community members in need.

Raleigh Rescue Mission Logo

Last year, CSP staff members gave back to their community by participating in the Raleigh Rescue Mission’s “Lunches to Go” Program, and we’re proud to continue taking part in initiatives like this again. We know the importance of supporting our community is a core value in our business because we understand that our success is thanks in part to those who live and work around us. During the last few weeks, the CSP team has brought together the components to make bag lunches which included sandwiches, chips, fresh fruit, desserts, and drinks.

What Is Lunches To Go?

The program, entitled “Lunches to Go”, provides the overnight emergency shelter guests with a healthy meal to take with them in the morning as they leave the shelter during the day. Various organizations and individuals volunteer to provide bag lunches daily for the shelter’s homeless guests. The Mission provides more than 140,000 meals annually through this program.

What Is the Raleigh Rescue Mission?

The Raleigh Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving homeless citizens in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. This organization provides housing referrals and permanent housing placements. They offer emergency overnight services for women, children, and single men. This admirable effort results in a life-changing recovery and rehabilitation for men and women. The Raleigh Rescue Mission also has an Adult Education Center that provides GED preparation. Their programs are designed to give these citizens the support they need to get back on their feet.

Click here to learn more about the Raleigh Rescue Mission’s programs and services.

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