Raleigh IT CompanyHappy Spring!  What a beautiful time of year this is!  I hope that so far in 2015 you are experiencing success in your business, as well as happiness and good health.

For CSP, 2015 is a special year in that we are celebrating our 20th anniversary.  In our eyes, 2015 is a year of reflection and celebration of our past accomplishments.  It is also a year of a “new beginning” as we work diligently to position our company for success in decades to come.

As many of you are aware, CSP has been on a “sabbatical” with our newsletter the last couple of years. During this time, we have refreshed many aspects of CSP. First of all, we invested heavily upgrading all aspects of CSP’s internal systems to the best platforms available in the industry. We replaced our Remote Monitoring and Management system, our Professional Service Automation system, our Customer Relationship Management system, and our accounting system. We also reorganized and optimized our staff to enhance our service delivery.

CSP is also “refreshing” from a marketing and company image standpoint. One big aspect of the “CSP refresh” is our name. Note that I have yet to use the name Computer Service Partners in this article. We have decided to build our company name recognition around simply “CSP” going forward.

So, we are happy to launch our newly refreshed company newsletter that we intend to publish monthly.  If you have not visited it lately, please see our refreshed web site at www.cspinc.com.  We have incorporated a blog, and plan to get more proactive with other social media marketing.  We also intend to schedule more “lunch and learn” events.  It is our desire that these communications are truly beneficial to our clients, and not simply marketing promotion for CSP.  At its core, CSP is not a “sales” organization.  We have intentionally built our company to be an IT “consulting” company.  So, we want our “marketing” communications to provide pertinent and important information that our clients can use to optimize their IT systems to serve their organization.

In this newsletter, we are profiling two important topics that impact most organizations. One is dealing with continued IT security threats, especially nasty ransomware Trojans such as CryptoWall. And, those organizations that still have Windows Server 2003 in their environment face additional security threats in mid-2015 as Microsoft is discontinuing support (and security patches) for this once popular server operating system.

We hope you will find this newsletter to be informative and helpful.  I welcome your comments and suggestions on how CSP can improve the newsletter, and how CSP can better serve you.

Please contact me anytime at briddick@cspinc.com or at 919.424.2000 x110.

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