What Does The Future Hold For Your Cloud?

It wasn’t long ago, the idea of Cloud computing seemed farfetched, an experiment, the unknown, that place in the sky, or too, too risky to take a test drive. Oh, there were early adopters, but the masses did not follow. Then something happened!

Covid-19 changed the marketplace forever. What we used to rely on was no longer sufficient to use or could not adapt to a crisis response scenario. But, there, waiting in the shadows to prove it was a viable option, became the breakthrough technology that rescued commerce.

What We Now Know About Cloud Adoption

If the global pandemic showed the business world anything, Cloud computing is more than a fad, passing trend, or a risk. In fact, we literally witnessed marketplace walls crumble, but business continued to soar across numerous industries as cloud adoption took place.

What was that single most powerful reality each and every one of us discovered from the transition? The Cloud enabled us to thrive, overcome commercial obstacles, save our businesses, and remain connected while the world around us; we once knew, became history.

The Cloud Brought Technical Changes & Tore Down Barriers

Prior to Covid-19, the technology always took a back seat in business. It was considered a necessary expense but never an investment. Decision-makers and department heads found ways to cut the IT budget and putting off any upgrades unless absolutely necessary.

However, that operational view was challenged and now found obsolete. The Cloud’s technical changes have profoundly impacted the business, healthcare, and governmental worlds.

  • Cloud technology proved more capable under highly unusual conditions.
  • Technical risk got reduced, introducing collaborative exploration.
  • The Cloud proved costs are increasingly controllable and managed with scrutiny.
  • Silos, hidden or commonplace, are no longer a viable option but rather a barrier.
  • CIOs, with full stakeholder approval, proactively implementing digital transformation.

What Is The “Next Normal?”

Coming back, re-opening, there will always be speculation. However, the return brings technical epiphany. Technology and the Cloud have exposed hidden opportunities not easily seen in the past. What was used to run the organization will be tapped to transform the business.

It will be the decision-makers looking for answers on how to use the Cloud more efficiently and profitably. The hesitation that once held them back opened their eyes. User experience will take the forefront because business, technology, and consumer grew and adapted together.

Remote Work – The Natural Experiment

Once considered not a viable option, working from home has shown the marketplace, educational landscape, and political environment; it is an unbeatable resource. Remote work, never before seen, has redefined how consumers, customers, and patients can live moving forward.

  • Consumers discovered they could order just about anything from home.
  • Children are virtually taught from their dining room table on a tablet.
  • Patients are now receiving healthcare and medical consultation sitting in their recliner.
  • A single mother is working for a call center and watching her children without going to an office.

These are but a few examples of resilience during a crisis. However, on the other side, young or old, Cloud technology will become the preferred method they choose to buy from a business, work for an organization, or seek help from healthcare providers.

Is It Time To Expand Your Services To The Cloud?

Your enterprise has seen profound changes. Revenue has shifted. Your team has tried to adapt, but the learning curve remains steep. For your future Cloud, “Next Normal,” CSP, Inc. will guide you through the process. Our experts will provide flexible, customized, reliable solutions that will help you succeed.

CSP, Inc. also provides comprehensive IT services including:

Managed IT Services
IT Solutions
Cloud Services
Hardware Support Services

Ready to speak with us? Call us now on (919) 424-2060 or email us at info@cspinc.com, and we will provide the cloud solutions you want.

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